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Commander's Letter

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30 September 2005 

SUBJECT:  Commander’s Update 

  1. To the families of our soldiers; as summer in Iraq has come and gone, the changing of the season brings us ever closer to that day we all are waiting; our homecoming.  Hope you all are doing fine as we continue our mission here in Baghdad.  The weather seems to be getting cooler in the day (temps down to 99 – 101) and the 70s at night.  Believe me, that’s a break in the weather.
  1. The highlight of this month was being able to pin promotions on the following personnel:  SFC Vickers, SSG Irving, SSG Mills, SSG Sourbeck, SSG Barnes, SGT Mack, and SGT Lovelace.  We are very proud of these individuals and I will let you know they are very deserving of these promotions.  Kind of helps out on the home front financially also. 
  1. We are in our ninth month of deployment now, and as every letter, let me take this opportunity to thank all you families for you enduring support of the troops. The number one combat multiplier of this deployment has been your solid support of your soldier.  As I said many months ago, a happy soldier is an effective soldier.  You have certainly done your part and I ask that you continue this for a short time more until we come home.
  1. We have been fortunate that all soldiers have an opportunity to go on leave over the past month and we have only five remaining that chose to go late in the year.  We are thankful to our Brigade Headquarters for allowing all of us to get a chance at leave.    
  1. Well, I hope this bit of news helps ease your anxiety.  We will continue to press forward with the mission and try to keep everyone safe.  I apologize for not publishing a letter sooner but we have been quite busy. Thank you all again for the outstanding support.  God Bless you all, and God Bless America!



                                                                       James E. Porter, Jr




200-CDR                                                                                                                                                                                                                      28 May 2005

 SUBJECT:  Commander’s Update 

  1. To the families of our soldiers, we wish you all a blessed and happy Memorial Day.  Rest assured that we are still missing you all and the upcoming holiday seems to reinforce our separation.  On a positive note, that is also a sign that time continues to march on and we are even closer to being reunited with you all again.   
  1. I continue to be amazed at the professionalism and endurance of your soldiers.  It’s beginning to get hot and the days are long, but the laughter and camaraderie is never in short supply!  I must say that being allowed to command your soldiers during this operation is the highlight of my military career and I think I will never have another assignment that is more rewarding. 
  1. We are approaching our 4th month in the war zone and I was privileged to be able to award all our soldiers their combat patch.  We did this at our quarterly “cook out” held at the Joint Visitors Bureau.  We had grilled chicken, home cooked pintos, butterbeans, and other treats you all had sent us from home.  For a moment we were back at home, all together, and the deployment was not in the picture. 
  1. I hope you were all able to see the news articles on some of our troops this month.  SGT Sourbeck and CPL Segrest along with some help from 1LT Witherington, did a jam up job on modifying our gun turrent mounts that really caught on with other units.  It also got some good publicity on www.army.com website.  Another story was done on the MEOICC in general is good reading.  I will ask Mrs. Cranford to post it on our web site for you.  The entire Commo Section continues to perform excellently in all duties.  SGT Mills has proven his expertise is worth gold in keeping our computer network in tip top shape.  SFC Lewis has figured out that there is life after SINCGARs radios!  He has perfected the Explosives Hazards Database crew and I am proud of the job they are doing. 
  1. We’ve had a couple of promotions and reassignments since we seen you last.  First MAJ Hill was promoted to LTC and has assumed the C7 Facilities Chief.  MAJ Cranford is the new Executive Officer for the 200th Engineer Battalion. Not that he didn’t already have his hands full as Chief of Operations, now he does all the hard work for me.  CPT Chunn was promoted to MAJ and has replaced MAJ Cranford at the Chief of Operations.  CSM Nichols continues to be my right hand and keeps morale at a high peak.  I cannot tell you how much John means to me and the command.
  1. I guess you all know that we have started our midterm leave?  We have been able to send 9 soldiers home for 15 day leave so far and everyone seems to have had a wonderful time.  We are grateful to our higher headquarters, the 20th Engineer Brigade for the generous slots. 
  1. Well, I hope this bit of news helps ease your anxiety.  We all continue to press forward with the mission and long for the day when we will be back in your presence.  That will be a joyous day!  Thank you all again for the outstanding support.  I know I tell you this every letter, but I am proud of all of you, our families, for holding down the home front till we return. God Bless you all, and God Bless America!


                                                                        James E. Porter, Jr





200-CDR                                                                                                                                                                                                                     25 March 2005 


SUBJECT:  Commander’s Update 

  1. To the families of our soldiers, it has been a while since I have been able to write.  As you already know we have arrived at our final duty station in Baghdad, Iraq.  We again were blessed with good fortune as we traveled into Iraq and had no incidents while in transit. 
  1. I am extremely proud of your soldiers and the job they are all doing.  You should be very proud as all of the members of the 200th En Bn as each is contributing significantly to the overall campaign plan.  Several of your soldiers have “stepped up” to the plate and are doing yeoman work in their areas of responsibility.  I hope you all are enjoying the pictures posted on the web page.  I’m sure you can understand that we don’t give a lot of information as to our specific job to protect our soldiers from the enemy.  I can tell you that your soldiers do their jobs well and, while we all understand we are in a war zone, they are pretty safe.  This is due to their professionalism, alertness, and understanding their part in seeing after each other. 
  1. I’m not sure what you all see on the news but, from our perspective, a lot of great things are going on here.  The Iraqis continue to take charge of their own destiny and these are truly brave people.  All persons with whom we have come in contact are very appreciative of the work we do and are extremely glad to be out from under the rule of tyranny.
  1. We have good quarters and food, and I see that all are able to contact you at home almost every day if they wish.  We still have quite a way to go, but time is passing pretty quickly, at least on this end.  Again, I appreciate your solid support of our troops during this deployment.  Morale continues to be outstanding and I give all of the credit for that to you, the families.  I look forward to seeing you all again and giving my personal thanks to you for making my job very easy.  So long for now. God Bless You All and God Bless America! 



                                                                         James E. Porter, Jr









APO AE 09342-1400 

200-CDR                                                                                                                                                                                                                        20 February 2005

 SUBJECT:  Commander’s Update 

  1. To the families of our soldiers, I bid you a warm hello from Kuwait.  We arrived without incident and although it was a very long journey, we were greeted with open arms.  Our first order of business was a good meal at the mess hall and then a long desert nap to get over the time difference and jet lag.
  1. It doesn’t seem like we have been mobilized for two months, but I guess time flies.  We hope so anyway.  I would like to, again, extend my appreciation to you, the families, for your outstanding support of our soldiers.  Morale is extremely high and you all get the credit for that one.  To my knowledge, every soldier has been able to call or email home on numerous occasions.  This is always good for troop morale.
  1. We continue our mission training and will soon be to our final destination and another phase completed in our deployment.  Your soldiers have done an outstanding job thus far and I expect it to only get better.  They are organized and efficient, and I wish you could see for yourselves the level of training they have achieved. 
  1. Don’t forget to check our FRG homepage periodically.  We will post new pictures as they become available.  We have been very busy these past two weeks.  Keep us informed of the news back home.  I would ask that you keep us in your prayers as we continue our deployment.  God Bless you all and God Bless America.












LINDEN, ALABAMA 36748-2504


200-CDR                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1 January 2005


MEMORANDUM FOR Family Readiness Support Group Members

 SUBJECT:  Commander’s Update – 200th Engineer Battalion Deployment

 1.   I first want to take a moment and thank you all for the outstanding support during our preparation and deployment.  The deployment ceremony was perhaps the best I had ever attended and eased the difficulty of the first milestone in our deployment journey.  I want to issue a special thanks from our soldiers to the Linden VFW for the phone cards.  Gifts such as these are paramount to morale and directly support a strong family support climate.

2.  We have completed our in processing and some training as this first week comes to a close.  Morale of the soldiers is extremely high and I feel that I have never seen a more motivated group of soldiers.   They have adopted their own slogan for the mission:  “Git er done” and this again, is evidence of their strong conviction to the mission.

 3.  Our living area is adequate and the food is great.  We were issued the best equipment and were delighted to receive the latest technology in the Improved Body Armor.  This has been an issue in the past for deploying soldiers, but we received the best the Army has to offer.

 4.  We begin our Engineer Specific Training next week and will continue on this for a few more weeks.  Your soldiers seem very excited about the Engineer Specific training and are studying the pre-instruction packets on their on time.

5.  We will keep you all posted as time permits.  Again, thank you from all of us for the outstanding support.  As I have told you in the past, a strong tie with the soldier family leads directly to the success of the mission.  A happy soldier is a productive and mission oriented soldier. God Bless you all and God Bless our great country.


James E. Porter, Jr.

James E. Porter, Jr.







Send mail to HHD200thENBN@hotmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: October 15, 2005

Special thanks to Radio Shack of Demopolis, AL for providing this site.