SUBJECT: Command Sergeant Majors Website Letter I wanted to update everyone back home on
how things are going. We are within days
of the 4-month mark of being deployed overseas. Hopefully
time will pass quickly and our soldiers can join their loved ones back at home. We have sent nine soldiers home for R and R leave so far, with five
more scheduled for June. I know the soldiers
that have gone and come back have really enjoyed their time back at home. Ive got a ways to go before I go on mine, but
I am looking forward to seeing my loved ones in a few months. Well the temperatures have been averaging around 105 degrees everyday. I went on a mission down to Speaking of warm weather, Id
like to thank Jack, my mother-in-law June, my sister June, and my wife Tammy for sending
everything needed to make home-made ice cream. We
made up a batch of vanilla yesterday, and it came out great!!!!! We are looking to get creative next time and try
some different flavors. It sure tasted
good on these hot days. We were able to have a BBQ recently and that went over well. We were able to obtain some chicken, burgers and
hot dogs along with all the sides. It was nice
to eat something besides chow hall food for a change. And the gauntlet has been laid. SFC Erickson did an excellent job grilling the food
for the first one, and now its up to SFC Tippett to out do him on our
next BBQ that weve scheduled for 3 July. Ill
let you know how it comes out, but SFC Tippett has his work cut out for him. I want to thank everyone for your continued support. It means a lot to our soldiers, and Im very
proud of the way they are performing. They
give 100% everyday, and I know that you are proud of them too. There are good days and bad days, and I know that
your support helps them through some of the trying times.
Keep up the great support! Well that is all for now. Thanks
for visiting the website, and Ill post another message soon. God Bless, John Nichols CSM, 200th
200-CSM 23 March 2005 SUBJECT: Command Sergeant Majors Website Letter 1. Greeting from 2. I want to thank
everyone for your support of our soldiers over here. I
consider the issue of family support with great importance.
Your support is helping the soldiers of the 200th get through
this long deployment. I know they are very
appreciative of all things you do back home to help us accomplish our mission here. Whether it be care packages or just stepping
up to handle problems that arise at home which your soldier cant take
care of now. I know your mission is a
difficult one also, and I want to thank you for all that you do back home. 3. The weather has been
great. It reminds me of 4. Well, that is all for
now. Thanks for visiting the website, and
Ill post another message soon. God Bless, John Nichols CSM, 200th
I wanted to post a quick note updating everyone on the 200th
EN BN mission up to date. Sorry for the delay
on updating this section of the web page. Weve
been training hard and sometimes its difficult to get internet access. I promise to do better in the coming months. On the bright side, our soldiers have been performing spectacularly,
and you would be very proud. We have just come
back from 3 days of hard training in the desert and the 200th soldiers
accomplished all required tasks above and beyond the call of duty. As I said, the training was very hard, but very
valuable for your loved ones. Their confidence
is high, and they are working wonderfully as a team. You
can see this in every task they complete. We are getting ready for our next movement to our mission destination,
and I know all the soldiers are looking forward to that.
It will complete one of our major phases, and allow your loved ones to
settle into the jobs that they were trained to do. Once
there, the soldiers will start their main jobs and be able to settle into a normal
routine. The address listed above is going to be our address at our final
destination. If this should change, I will let
you know. By the time this letter is posted,
you can start mailing your loved ones to that address.
I hear it normally takes about 1 week for mail to get here. It sometimes can take up to 14 days. So allow for that on certain perishable items that
you may send. We did not give out an address
at our current location because of the short duration that we are at this camp. But I know our soldiers are looking forward to
hearing from you, so I encourage all to mail as often as possible. There is no better sight than seeing the faces of
the soldiers here when their name is called for mail from home!!! As Ive said, Ill do a better job of posting in the future. I hope all is well in Thank you and God Bless, John Nichols CSM, 200th EN BN
36748-2504 200-CSM 7 January 2005 2. During the past week,
the training has been long and difficult. The
weather has been variable from day to day. In
fact, we got about an inch of snow yesterday (which was a first for a few of our
soldiers). With that said, our soldiers keep
driving on to accomplish their mission. Morale
is high, and the unit is working as one. I
have no doubt that this unit will be well prepared and focused for any task that lie
ahead. 3. I want to
personally thank you for all the support you are showing from home. This will be vital for our soldiers moral,
and I greatly appreciate it. It will make your
loved ones job much easier. 4. Once again,
thanks again for all you do. This is a special
group of soldier who will achieve great things. I
am very proud of them, and I know you are to. God Bless, John Nichols CSM, 200th EN BN |
Send mail to HHD200thENBN@hotmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.