If you have Battalion related pictures you would like to share, please e-mail a
note to the webmaster.
27 February-Present (Iraq)
Ahh, the sun and sand. AARRGGHH, the sun and sand.
08 February-27 February (Kuwait)
Are we there yet?
08 February (Germany)
On the road again.
07 February (New York)
Hurry up and wait.
07 February (Gulfport)
Every great journey begins with a single step.
21 January- 07 February (Camp Shelby)
The countdown begins...
29 December-21 January (Fort Leonard Wood)
New Pictures
29 December-?? January (Fort Leonard Wood)
Here we go....
28 December 2004 (Departure Day, Fort Hill-McManus-Boggs [Linden Armory])
Bye! We love you!
27 December 2004 (Departure Ceremony, Linden First Baptist)
"Where's the bus?"
One more night--Thank God for little miracles!
18 December 2004 (Training)
200th Engineers lead the way. HOOAH!